Artwork created by Rico Young


Grenfell — Never Forget

C S Bhambra
1 min readJun 14, 2021


Four years ago this coming night...
Some celebrated Eid
Some eyes were shut tight
Like every second we never know
The pace, the event, the direction
Our lives will go

And though we are not near
We’ve seen how broken & strong you are
Despite the fear
What type of life do you think
These people who survived have?

Do they sleep well?
Do they still dream?
Or when they close
Their eyes at night...
Do they hear the screams?

The sting of death can leave some
Painful memories forever chained
They are our community
Whether you knew them
Or never heard their names
Remember on this night
Their lives were tragically changed...


It’s disgraceful & shocking that still no justice has been given & there are still buildings without sprinklers and with dangerous cladding!!
Please remember those lives lost and their loved ones and those who survived. Wear green, have a moment of silence, say a prayer whatever you can do to show you care. 💚

Dedicated to our friends Zoe and Krome who survived as well as all those who tragically went through this.

To extend support please check out Grenfell United



C S Bhambra

Wife | Mother | TEFL & MFL teacher | Business woman. Passionate about languages, writing, drama, music, psychology & positivity!